Firstly, this week we met up with Jordan; our sound lead for this project, and let him know our ideas for the sounds and music for the game. We'll be hearing from him in the next few weeks to see how that's going, but feel free to check out his introduction post if you wanted to know a little bit about him.
This week we managed to finalize the concept art for the player characters, and the NPC animals. Working from the solid base previously established, and with a visual style finally pinned down, everyone went away to finalize their designs. Which is the art included in everyone's introduction posts.
We finally settled on a rounded, cutesy vibe, with block colours and very large features, so they would stand out from the high camera angle the game will employ. Also we decided to have the legs attached to the bodies of the animals, in order to make the designs more coherent; as well as realizing that the detached limbs would be hard to notice based on the amount going on and the camera angle.
We managed to pin down some possible designs for other assets outside of the player characters and animals. Specifically, man made objects such as silos and hay bales; as well as a few more natural designs.

As well, we had some more ideas for possible barns to serve as player spawns, however the design is still up in the air with them.

Nerys and Christie also drew up some possible level layouts, which will be refined once the prototype has all the assets required for level development.

Speaking of the prototype, Christie has been hard at work on it, and we should have more to show you on that front in the weeks to come.
I hope you've enjoyed this quick look into our third week of development guys, more to come in the coming days and weeks.
Thank you!
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