We've all been hard at work 3D modelling, and I wanted to wait until we had more material to show you, and were all happy with the work we had done so far.
Christie has been working on the cow and chicken models, as well as making more progress on the game prototype, which we should be able to show you more of in the next couple of posts.

Hendrick has completed models for a couple of fence variations, as well as a hay bale.

Jeric has completed models for a couple of different variations of crates and rocks.

Nerys has finished the models for the player character and the sheep.

I have completed models for both a barn and a silo.
The models have all been unwrapped, and are ready to be textured, which is the goal for next week. Hopefully in the next post I'll be able to share with you some basic textures and possibly a prototype update.
Thanks for reading!
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